Follow me „…I receive my orders in the most assertive and commanding fashion which I have gotten used to by now. As I attempt to keep pace with the enigmatic man in front of me, I have no time to tell him to slow down. Carrying my heavy equipment through the dusty courtyard, yet again I find myself wondering where Pedro get his relentless drive from. „Hurry up “ he directs me again: I have no time to contemplate further. “ we need to hurry up before the sun goes down“ he insists yet again, making agitated gestures, as to translate his sentence into an alien sign language just to make sure I understood correctly.

Pedro Meier is the man I get to visit today again. An artist I have met and debated with many time over the last weeks. A man I learned to admire for all he does and stands for. As such i feel honoured and thrilled to be witnessing his progress on the Zellulose Art Campus yet again for another fine instalment, or shall we say extension rather, to his perfomance installation Minotaurus which he created and crafted for us in this almost post apocalyptic setting of the old acid chambers.

Pedro Meier, Minotaurus Project, Zeus Diaries

Pedro Meier, Minotaurus Project, Zeus Diaries

As we arrive on the second floor of the rooms which used to store the liquid of death and decay for the the old Zellulosefarbik, Pedro stands tall against the late afternoon sun. Overviewing his work, blank a3 Sheets of paper spread across the floor sporadically, and his shadow announcing the masters presence in the room in the most dramatic fashion. Standing Enigmatically, a fountain of energy, Pedro stands in this contrasty lighting. I feel honoured to be at Pedros side again, and to have a very private view of his work.

Halas, I have no time to rest, or even ask about the aspects of his work, as Pedro convinces me “ Mike, …In front of You i present the diaries of Zeus“ …speechless I look into the room and am quietly shaken by the simplicty and yet striking modification he as achieved by laying out the empty pages across the room. Pedro reiterates with a certainty that I seldomly come across. There is no question in my mind that he stands correctly with his work, and furthermore that this is the right location and the right time to create the Minotaurus project.


Pedro Meier, Minotaurus Project, Zeus Diaries

Pedro Meier, Minotaurus Project, Zeus Diaries

Pedro Meier, Minotaurus Project, Zeus Diaries

Pedro Meier, Minotaurus Project, Zeus Diaries

As such, I add this visit to my note book of very memorable ones, …with the three letters next to it t.b.c ( To be continued ). Thank you Pedro for another fine hour ….